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Showing posts from June, 2020

Six weeks old and BIG news

Hi Alexander, I can't believe you're already six weeks old. Ok, technically you're six weeks and three days old. Caring for you hasn't given me a whole lot of time to write. It seems like just yesterday we brought you home. You have grown so much! You were born at 7 pounds and 10 oz. At six weeks, you weigh 11 pounds by my weighing method. I weighed myself then added you and subtracted the difference. You're also so long! I can't measure that myself but I know you filled out your swaddle now and are able the pillows behind me when I nurse you. In the early days, you fit in the crook of my arm and now, you dangle off the end. You smile intentionally and still have no problem letting your dad and I know when you want our attention.  We had some adjusting to do this week. My six weeks of paid time off ended Wednesday and I had to decide whether to go back to work or take another six weeks off without pay. Initially, the plan was for me to take a full 12 weeks off.