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Showing posts from May, 2020

Your birth story

Hi Alexander, You have been full of surprises since day one. At our 34 week appointment, I found out you were transverse or sideways. I worked for weeks to move you head down. I bounced on a yoga ball for hours a day and went on walks twice a day. It worked! You were head down at our 37 week appointment. I was happy that things were going as planned. The next week you were still head down but I was not dilated. Our doctor, Nestor Delgado, decided we need to induce at 39 weeks due to my diabetes. He didn't want to risk you being too big. You were measuring at about 8.5 pounds at the last ultrasound. I came in Monday, April 27, for a check up and decide whether to start the process that night or the next morning but you had other plans. In that one week, you had move back in the transverse position. Dr. Delgado decided we needed to do a c-section. I was prepared for a c-section if induction didn't go as planned but I was hoping to avoid surgery. We scheduled the c-section for Wed

Strange times: Coronavirus pandemic

Hi Alexander, It has been quite a while since I wrote to you here but these are strange times. You're actually strapped to me right now as I type this but that's how it goes these days. We are living in a pandemic. The coronavirus that causes the illness COVID-19 has caused much of the country to shut down for months. Your dad and I have been self-quarantining since mid-March. States are just reopening after officials shut it down to help slow the spread of the virus. Businesses were shuttered, schools closed and classes - for all ages - transitioned to online. I am sure you will learn about this time in school later on. It is an once in a century event. I wasn't planning on taking maternity photos but with all the time on the world on my hands I figured why not. I got dressed up, set up my phone on a tripod in the backyard and convinced your dad to take the photos. It turned out pretty good if I do say so myself. I know I will cherish them as time goes on. Here are some of