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Showing posts from January, 2020

Stud Muffin

Hi Alex, I got to see how you're doing today at our 26 week ultrasound. Memaw was there since your daddy had to work. I was so excited to see you. You seem to already picked up my habit of putting my hand on my face while sleeping. You had your little fingers around your face, yawning much of the time.  The tech tried to get you to move your hand so she could take a picture of your face for me but it took a little work. I did get a good look at your limbs. Take a look at the muscle definition on that arm right there. The tech pointed out that it looks like I have a strong little man. While we were focused on your face, your foot made an appearance too! Apparantly, right now your favorite position is folded up. Your head down so I'm getting headbutted, kicked and punched all in the same spot. I'm not very surprised though. I have a short torso so if I'm sitting for long periods, you really don't have room to stretch. I do try to lay out on the couch when I'

Hey baby!

Hey baby! You can definitely tell I am growing a human these days and not just having a food baby. Your daddy had been trying to feel you kick again for weeks. One night he was cuddling with my belly when he heard gurgling noises. He said I was mistaking gas for your kicks. It is definitely not the case. But you, little man, is a slippery one. You would be kicking and as soon as your dad puts his hand on my belly you would stop. He would leave and you would start up again. It is quite funny. Tonight oh, I was laying down when I felt you move. When I place my hand on my stomach and pressed. I felt your heartbeat. I went over to your dad and had him press his hand into the same spot. He was able to feel you as well and bonus, you kicked for him. You should have seen his face. He had the biggest grin. He's going to be a good daddy.. I had a funny experience this week. You still have a lot of room to move and it seems like you take advantage of it. I had parked th

You're finally kicking me, smalls!

Hi my baby boy, I can finally distinguish your kicks and you have quite a thump. I started to feel you rkicking regularly at 22 weeks + 6 days. There was definite tapping when I sat down to work on your blanket. I tried to get your daddy to feel you the first time but you quit. When I sat back down, you started back up. I called your dad to sit next to me. He put his hand on my belly and could feel you tapping. I think it's an amazing thing. I'm also finally looking pregnant versus bloated. I'm trying to stay active to help keep you healthy. I'm constantly amazed when I look down and see my bump but more so, you safe growing inside me. I love you, Alexander Thien Johnson.