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Showing posts from September, 2019

Second ultrasound

I'm 9 weeks today. Your dad was able to come with me to my second appointment and he saw you for the first time. You're just starting to form limbs now.. and couldn't stop wiggling. At first, your dad thought the doctor was making you dance but he says, that's all you.. You were like a cartoon teddy-gram just dancing away. We also got to hear your heart beat. My heart skipped a beat hearing yours. It was strong and FAST too.  The doctor says my glucose is still a little high so he's switching my medication to make sure I'm in a healthy range.. so we both stay as healthy as possible. I figure I just have to watch my diet more. I haven't been going crazy but the bad days are days I indulged in carbs a bit more at lunch. I'm going to do all I can to make sure you are healthy from the jump. I love you, my nugget. 

Eight weeks and counting!

Oh, baby! I can't believe I'm pregnant. I found out I was pregnant Wednesday, September 4, 2019. I hadn't been feeling like myself for a week or so and I was late. I have never been regular but a week is pushing it. I took a test that morning and it came out positive. I made an excuse that I did it wrong. I took it again that evening and same result. I'm pregnant! Joy overwhelmed me when I found out and then fear. We weren't planning on starting a family yet and there was even discussion that it was too late for us. Beaux and I are 37 and 36 respectively. With some of my health concerns, I thought it wasn't going to happen without a little scientific help. But things just have a way for working itself out. It was a rough couple of day but after the shock wore off, we're overjoyed with our miracle baby. I went to the doctor a week later with Beaux's mom, Mollie. Beaux had to work and mom had volunteered to go to the first appointment with me. Let me